About Nadi Astrology it is assumed the ancient Rishis became so sure about their predictions that they started predicting salient patterns in the lives of the yet to be born generations. The remaining fragments of leftover Nadi Astrology records are handed down from father to son in the Astrologer families, who act as the custodians of the Nadi Shastra records. These Nadi records are identified by their purported writers among whom the best known are Agastya Nadi, Koushika Nadi, Bhrigu Nadi, Vasishta Nadi, Shiva Nadi and Chandra Kala Nadi. The Nadi Shastra horoscopes contain the predictions of the people who are destined to contact their particular predictions in the future. Nadi Jothida Nilayam,” we provide meticulous predictions based on those ancient scriptures. Our prophecies encompass different chapters of human life, strictly adhering to the palm-leaves reading procedure, including career, education, legal issues, inheritance, marriage, children, and more, as well as instances of your previous life karma and predictions about your future. At Agasthiya Siva Nadi, you may also choose to seek the remedies or pariharas as prescribed in Palm leaf scriptures to negate your past bad karma or adversities, if prescribed therein. Thousands of years ago, the Saptarishis possessed divine powers and documented their wealth of knowledge on various subjects, including astrology, in addition to medicine, science, social topics, and alchemy. Nadi astrology is a segment of astrology originating in South India, based on the future predictions made by those revered sages from the scriptures, which are the well-preserved palm-leaf scriptures that hold the predictions about humankind’s past, present, and future. The specific palm-leaf which has a prediction related to your life is located by matching thumb impressions. To confirm whether the leaf is yours, the Gurujis read out some basic details about you from the leaf before moving on to the detailed predictions. After the verification, the Gurujis expound on the different chapters and their meanings. These readings and explanations are conveyed to the native in Hindi, Bengali, or English through our experienced interpreters. Guruji G Gobu swamy and his ancestors have treasured the valuable scriptures for generations. Our experienced readers have thoroughly studied and mastered the art of nadi Shastra. He are adept at interpreting the poetic verses of the ancient text and deliver accurate predictions along with remedies. A team of exclusive professional translators present at Agasthiya Siva Nadi then proceed to narrate the predictions in Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Hindi, or English, as per your language preference.It is claimed that there are records in India called Nadi, which supposedly contain information about a person’s past, present, and future, written by ancient Maharishis. According to this belief, these records can accurately describe a person’s life, including their religious and linguistic background, even if they were born in a different country. By consulting these Nadis, it is believed that individuals can gain insight into their lives and make decisions that will benefit them in this lifetime.